The Power of Emotional Intelligence in Tech Leadership

In today's fast-paced and dynamic tech industry, successful leadership requires more than just technical expertise. The ability to understand and manage emotions, both within oneself and others, plays a crucial role in fostering a positive work environment and driving innovation. This is where emotional intelligence (EI) comes into play. It’s time the industry took time to explore the significant role of emotional intelligence in tech leadership and why it is a vital skill for guiding teams towards success.

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Integrity and Pride (alternative title: Honoring Your Commitments)

As leaders, we’re constantly asked to make commitments. Integrity means being mindful about the things that you’re willing to commit to and honest about the things that you’re not. The thing about doing a great job is that people tend to notice. When that happens, you get thought of more and more often when there is a job to do. While it’s flattering to be thought of and also something to be proud of, the key to continuing doing an admirable job is to not overfill your plate.

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The Integrity Habit

Integrity is one of the most necessary virtues that a powerful leader can possess. It has been said that integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is watching. Choosing the easy thing is a major habit for most people. It’s easy to say angry things when we feel annoyed or disappointed. It’s easy to avoid a person that we are having a disagreement with. It’s easy to let people have what they want. It’s easy to keep our heads down and just do the work that we’re assigned. All of these things are easy. None of them are leadership.

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The Fake Commute

We are a world full of people who have been experiencing a lot of extra anxiety in the past year. We have anxiety because the future is uncertain. We're anxious because we've lost things. This year has been filled with anxiety for everyone, and when our anxiety is going full-speed it can be very hard to stop and notice the things (and people) around us. Anxiety is the enemy of empathy.

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Three Kinds of Empathy

Empathy. To put myself in your shoes and respond accordingly. From a leadership perspective, empathy allows us to connect with the people we are leading and to make them feel as though we are safe to follow. Having a manager that displays empathy makes a huge difference in how people rate their experience as an employee. Empathetic leaders are often referred to as good listeners, giving their full attention to the person that they are listening to and prioritizing making the person feel understood. The ability to show empathy can elevate all of your relationships.

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