“In my own life, I've walked paths filled with challenges and moments where I felt invisible, where my voice seemed lost to bigger voices. I intimately understand the struggle of feeling disengaged and grappling with compromised self-esteem. I always felt like I had more to offer, yet unsure how to fully access it. For years, my coping mechanism was to navigate these hurdles alone, setting myself on a path where simply meeting the minimum standard felt like an achievement. I felt unnoticed and unsupported. I was looking for a leader and there were none in sight.
Then, in 2009, I stumbled upon a music community that gave me everything I had been missing. Within its nurturing embrace, I discovered boundless encouragement and unwavering support. Others recognized and celebrated my strengths, and I felt truly seen for the first time. This newfound encouragement shattered the walls of negativity and self-doubt, igniting a profound transformation. I grew to believe that my voice mattered and that I could use it to be the leader I was looking for. I started showing up differently everywhere. I developed a set of core values: respect, communication, authenticity, trust, and curiosity. I began leading with integrity in all of my various life roles: parent, partner, professional, and friend. I am living proof that communities that value individuals foster strong leaders by harnessing intellectual stimulation and inspirational motivation
With expertise in leadership development, team coaching, and individual coaching, I've dedicated my career to providing that same level of support to others. I’ve witnessed firsthand how much it impacts engagement (and in turn, productivity) when all team members feel like their voice matters. My myriad of clients are navigating diverse yet common challenges such as combating poor leadership, resolving internal conflicts, rebuilding trust, and instilling purpose. Through career coaching, these challenges are overcome with a focus not only on functioning but constantly optimizing potential.
As a Leadership Coach, I've witnessed countless transformations as individuals tap into their inherent strengths. By coaching leaders to nurture a culture of communication and support, I work to catalyze collective growth where everyone thrives.”
- Hillary Dovel